Colorado State Capitol Tour

Stop three in Colorado took us to Elizabeth, Denver, and Centennial. We stayed at Casey's RV Hideaway in Elizabeth which was about 45 miles southeast of Denver. Nothing really special, and the site was so uneven that Penguin had to take the Fiat for an impromptu trip back to the Walmart we passed on the way to buy some leveling blocks to help the jacks. The Elizabeth Celtic Festival would have been at the field right next door to the campground had we been there the following week instead.

On July 3rd, we decided to head into Denver. Our first stop was the Colorado state capital. Our plan was to park and visit it along with the Molly Brown Museum House then move along. While visiting the capitol we were informed that there was a guided touring starting in about thirty minutes that included a climb to the outdoor observation platform in the dome. I was really interested in climbing the stairs inside the dome and seeing the view and Penguin was too so we decided to take the tour.

We learned a lot about the state capitol including that a lot of the material used in building it was native to Colorado. The exterior is made of granite, Yule marble covers the floors and both were sourced near Gunnison, CO. The lower portions of the walls through the main floors are made of this beautiful Beulah Red Marble. Beulah, CO is the only known source in the world for this stone and the Colorado capitol used 99% of the entire supply. There is none left. That really surprised me.

During our tour we found out that they were having a fireworks show with food trucks and music across the street at the Civic Center Park. We decided to change our original plans and check that out. There were food trucks, an orchestra playing to a light show and finally fireworks!

The next day, for fourth of July, we got to spend it with friends that lived near Denver, the Hurtado's. It was great to hang out, chat, eat some tasty food, meet their neighbors, and watch some great backyard fireworks until the cops came. You know it is a successful 4th of July when that happens! :)

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