Nacho's Photo Shoot

Cats Two Cents

Our cat, Nacho, shares how he feels about having his nap interrupted for a photo shoot.

Uggg why doesn’t she stop?! I was trying to take a nap when all of a sudden I hear “Nacho!”. I didn’t even hear her foot steps and I usually do. It’s not like she walks quietly.

Anyways, all of a sudden there is more “Nacho!” in my face. I slowly start to open my eyes and my human is pointing that thing in my face again and making noises.

Doesn’t she know I am sleeping? I was sound asleep in an amazing dream thinking about my next meal, but nope she wakes me up. For what? To take my picture? Seriously! She just keeps taking pictures and taking pictures. More and more.

Now I am like “OHHHHH maybe this is a photo shoot for the blog!”. So now I am all in to it. I give my cutest smile, I show my fiercest paw, I give it my all!

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